Travels to India and Nepal - Fall, 2007

In October and November 2007 I traveled through northern India, saw the Taj Mahal,
Varanassi (Benares), the Hindu's most sacred city and then  traveled north to my Peace Corps village in Nepal.  Finally I spent a couple weeks in Kathmandu.  I sent emails and posted web pages of photos for friends and family.  Below are links to the emails and photos.   They are listed in reverse chronological order. I did that so you read the last emails first.  They are better than the early ones.  I got better at photograpy, writing, and engaging the culture the longer I traveled.  The account of my return to Yaku is, I think, the most interesting.
                                                                            Click on the Email or Pictures links.  They open in seperate windows.
Comment Emails Pictures
A week in Kathmandu From Kathmandu Kathmandu
Yaku, the village in which I spent two years, 1971-72, teaching school  Back in Time - Not!
Return to Yaku
Entering Nepal from India and traveling into the Eastern hills. Welcome to Nepal
Terai and Eastern Hills
Veranasi (aka - Benares) - Perhaps the most intense experience of the trip.  Learn more from Wikipedia. Benares/Varanasi Benares
Agra -Taj Mahal - a short note and a few pictures "Not in Kansas" 
New Delhi - first impressions New Delhi
New Delhi
Arriving in New Delhi.   Arriving New Delhi

 This is a post script email and picture set I sent when I got home, that describes leaving Kathmandu, my last 2 days in New Delhi and the flight home.  
Post Script:  Leaving Kathmandu, 2 days in New Delhi, arriving home Post Script New Delhi 2

I hope to write in the near future:

Conversations with Nepalis about politics in Nepal
Conversations with Nepalis about the Maoist insurgency
My observation (projection?) of happiness in the faces of people in India
What happened:  the cultural change in the hills of Nepal in 40 years.  What I think it means.